Peace. Love. Due-Back.

If you’re reading this, it’s not a weird sign or omen from the heavens. It’s because you love us, and we love you!

Another crazy week has flown by and as we close out the Due-Back week - yes, Monday is the end of our week - we can’t help but reflect on this little life we’ve built.

So far this winter, we’ve served more customers than last June. As some of you know, our summers are crazy, so this is HUGE for us. Winters in the past were really, really, reallllly, realllllllly scary. Most seasonal businesses shorten their hours, cut their days, and even close down for a few months. We know Island Heights is a seasonal “beach” town, but we have refused to be a “seasonal” business. Last year and the year before, we’ve had winter days where we could count our daily customers on 1 hand. We had days where we only sold $50 worth of product. Winter was indeed dreary, but those few of you who kept showing up for an amazing cup of coffee stuck with us and we stuck with you.

Until now, winters were terrible.

It’s so simple to get caught up in yet another busy week, especially as we begin planning for the summer, but today, we stepped back and had a moment. A moment of love, gratitude, and peace. After a moment of chaos in the winter - busier than our busiest weeks of years past - we saw how much you guys love the stuff we’re putting out.

Opening a business is hard, staying in business is even harder.

Those in the industry know that coffee is not the most profitable business venture, but you all for sure make it worth every dollar and second we put into this thing. So take a day, a minute, or even a second to step back and look into your own life. Soak in every waking minute of peace, gratitude, and fortune in your life as you continue into this new week. The impact you make on those around you. The value you have to those who do not even know you. Know that you are loved and appreciated by many, and at the very minimum, you are loved and appreciated by us!


Alt. Milks - the Good, the Bad, the Oatly